Diane L. Yetter is the “Sales Tax Nerd®” as well as a strategist, advisor, speaker, and author in the field of sales and use tax. She is president and founder of YETTER, a sales tax consulting and tax technology firm. She is also the founder of The Sales Tax Institute.
Diane works with clients of all sizes in a myriad of industries to deliver sales tax services ranging from tax technology to tax policy, planning, and training. She also regularly partners with other advisors to help them serve their clients.
She is a Certified Implementation Partner for Avalara, a Certified Training and TDM Specialist and an Accounting partner for Vertex, Inc., a Consulting partner with SOVOS, and a Certified Implementation Partner and Trainer with Thomson Reuters ONESOURCE Indirect Tax.
As a speaker, Diane is frequently asked to present to industry groups concerning sales and use tax issues including the Council on State Taxation (COST), Chicago Tax Club, Vertex User Conference, Taxpayer’s Federation of Illinois, Avalara, the National Association of Women Business Owners (NAWBO), Diversified Communications (IOFM), the Institute of Professionals in Taxation (IPT), National Association of Credit Managers (NACM), National Association for Retail Marketing Services (NARMS), and Thomson Reuters User Conference. Diane was invited to testify before the Senate Finance Committee twice regarding the impact of the Wayfair decision on small businesses and remote sellers.
As an author, Diane has written articles concerning sales and use tax issues. She co-authored “No Excuses: Automation Advances Make Sales Tax Collection Easier for Everyone” for State TaxNotes and “The Best Practices of a Best-in-Class Corporate Tax Department” and “Best Practices in Transaction Tax Systems Implementation” for the Journal of MultiState Taxation and Incentives. Diane authored Drop Shipments: Taxation, Compliance and Planning and Multistate Guide to Sales and Use Tax: Manufacturing, both published by Wolters Kluwer (CCH). She was an editor for the 1995-1996 edition of the Information Technology Association of America Software & Services State Tax Report and is the author of the US Sales Tax Chapter for the IBFD VAT Worldwide Research Database. She has also appeared as an expert witness in legal matters and litigations.
Diane is a member of the AICPA, Illinois CPA Society, Chicago Tax Club, Taxpayers’ Federation of Illinois, and the Institute of Professionals in Taxation. Yetter Tax is a member of the Practitioner Connection with the Council on State Taxation and Diane represents client concerns on several task forces. She is a board member of the Business Advisory Council of the Streamlined Sales Tax Governing Board. She was presented with the Illinois CPA Society’s Women to Watch Award as an Experienced Leader in 2024 and a 2024 Female Vision Award by WomELLE. Diane was named in Accounting Today’s 100 Most Influential People in Accounting eight times between 2011 and 2022. As an entrepreneur, she was honored as Woman Business Owner of the Year 2020 and a 2024 Corporate Women of Achievement by the National Association of Women Business Owners (NAWBO) Chicago Chapter. Her Twitter handle, @SalesTaxInst has been one of Forbes’s Top 100 Tax Twitter Handles and @YetterTax is among the Accounting social media leaders. She also sits on the Avalara Accounting Meta Influencers Roundtable.
Diane earned a BS in accounting and business administration from the University of Kansas in 1985 and a MS in taxation from DePaul University in 1994. Prior to founding the company in 1996, Diane was a state and local tax manager in the Chicago office of Arthur Andersen LLP, the sales and use tax director for the Quaker Oats Company, and a sales and use tax auditor for the Kansas Department of Revenue.